View Profile HiniberusDelius

29 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Well damn

I was wondering, 'Ho shit, this is some nice ambien-wait, the fuck?' 'cause it was that awesome intro and I thought perhaps there was a misclick somewhere, though then it just drops down to "WUB A WUB A WUB MOTHERFUCKER" and I thought it was awesome on the spot :I

Catstuffer responds:

Yea eh? It's a Deciptisong. Gotta watch out for those.

Glad you liked it! Thanks for your review!

An acid trip on music

Funky shit you got here lad, I loved the heavy trippin' loop you used, it's got that nasty punch to it, especially when it first came in I totally pulled a "Oh shit" face, no worries, it's that kind of Oh shit when you notice that you just KO'd that dude you've never liked much or something of the sort, it's a shocker that kinda punches you in the face and then you blink, take a moment and roll on the floor in joy.

I didn't roll on the floor, though I did give it a 10.

TheBiocide responds:

Haha! Thanks a lot, dude. That's definitely one of the more interesting reviews I've heard, in the good way! Your description just makes this song seem so much more badass than I ever thought it to be.

Hahaha, it's just a great review, man. Thanks a ton for that.


because in soviet russia, BLOCKS BUILD YOU!

With that out the way, you really want to make me play tetris D:

(Looks for tetris game) Though at 2:05 or something like that you introduce a new synth and that gave it an odd feel but I like the overall changed in tune as it goes along.

thecokebitch responds:

hahaha you russians are crazy az, 20,000 people dnb partys and all.... fuck i wish i was john b

That's like, awesome.

No really, Jimmy Hendricks (Blah spelling?) length and it's also pretty epic. I also loved the riffs, well done mate!

SirDocALot responds:

Thanks for the compliment!!!

It's very good

Though it seems to lack that tetris UNF that's ment to hit you right from the start. The beginning was good but the overall tune just sounded a bit too... mixed. Though I still liked it!

mr-match responds:

True. I didn't get the mastering quite right with this one. Nowadays I keep working until it sounds just right, but when I made this, I was in a bit of a hurry, for whatever reason. Thanks for listening, and I'll keep your comment in mind.

I liked it quite a bit

I believe that it deserves a higher score so 3.23 / 5.00 (+ 0.74) :3

Though I think if you were to use the guitar a bit better by not repeating the same thing with it for most of the time and added an epic solo that would have made this song falcon punch epic.

Also if you were to deepen your voice while shouting it would be moar kicking of zee ass.

Glad to be of help :D

NickSandwich responds:

w00t thanks for the vote!
Hmm... Alright. I'll add a solo.

I was wondering about how I'll rate it at first

I dislike the start of when you kicked in but then at 40 onwards it became more epic so I though "Eh, I love you mate so how about a 5/5 for the epicness and 9/10". So there you have it, though a bit of touching up on when you kicked in would make this ZUPAH EPIC :3

DarKsidE555 responds:

Matter of taste I guess. I think the slide in makes a good contrast and fits with the orchestral. But that all lies in the eyes...or better to say ears of the beholder. ;)

Don't worry about the ZUPAH EPICness. MaestroRage and I do have something up our sleeves that is quite something you would consider as that! :)

Thanks for checking man and thanks for the 5!

Has a feel of kick ass to it, I like it

Though if you were to work on the repetitiveness it would help. It's better to have short tracks in my opinion that don't repeat that much. Though I can see this being used in a maddness flash or something kick ass like that.

Ookami-Kun responds:

Yeah man, it's meant to be repetitive - it has a basic verse/chorus/verse structure, as I will be adding lyrics at a later date.

Thanks for the feedback anyhow.

Well fuck

I was scrolling down to read the rest of your comment and to really freak me out the music was still playing but the visualiser froze and was in a transmittion like thing so that made it even worse. Again, not the normal epic war music but danm I really can see this being used somewhere in an animation :O

MaestroRage responds:

Thank you very much for your kind words on this... Yes, it's not the normal epic war music. Maybe that's because I'm not MaestroRage, yes? Yes. Remember to read the fine print and signias! Thank you for listening!
With love,
LadyArsenic <3

Quite nice

Enjoyable to listen, nice job on the track all over. I'd say it deserves this spot in the rankings.

itsameyayo responds:

Thanks! Glad you like it :)


Umm, thanks for reading somthing anomnonskladly long that you are wondering about what is going to happen after you finish reading. Maybe your might check out my awsome music? Maybe you might have a beer after this or maybe you will just stop reading this

Age 34, Male


Not a very good one


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